Aug 17, 2009

Lying In Bed All Day: Taking A Break As Comfort

Good morning! I am working from bed. Again. I am also practicing not judging myself for this. Yes, not judging because I haven't run 3 miles, tidied up the apartment and made my husband a healthy breakfast by 8am.

I've been reading a book (using my trusty Book Buddy, of course) called I Was A Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids and the overriding theme is how mothers make themselves crazy by constantly criticizing themselves and others regarding what it means to be, and what it takes to be a "good mom". While I'm not a mom myself, I can totally relate to the constant barrage of judgement going on in my head. Here is what my head tells me I should get done in a day in order for it to be deemed "successful".

  • Workout
  • Make healthy meals for myself
  • Make healthy meals for my husband
  • Work= Make clients happy
  • Run errands
  • Complete any household tasks (bills, appointments, laundry, organization...)
  • Blog
  • Market my business
  • Wear something cute
  • Call/see a friend
  • Test a new recipe
  • Pay attention to my husband
  • Follow a spiritual practice
Some days the above is doable, and can be incredibly gratifying. Other days, it's completely overwhelming and I wonder, who am I doing this for anyway? Why do I feel guilty if I don't get everything done? What about not feeling guilty if NOTHING gets done?

I've always been the one who looks like she has it all "together", while simultaneously feeling like I'm about to fall apart. I'm curious to see if I let some of this go, maybe it will fall into place. I have a hunch it will...

I just found a wonderful blog post on the virtues of writing in bed. Thank you, Kimberly Willis Holt! I feel so much better.

What does "taking a break" mean to you?

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