Jul 13, 2009

Summer Sale! Saving Money. Very Comfy.

It is summer. I am saying this as much to myself as I am to you because I, like most of us, still must work during the summer months and I can easily forget that I should take some time out to enjoy the sunshine.

I feel so grateful that I enjoy the work I do immensely, however it is a crime to be tethered to my computer while the rest of the world (seemingly) surfs and eats Popsicles.

My solution is to take my work out of my "work zone". I head to our little courtyard with my laptop and my Book Buddy (of course) to catch up on emails and blogging. I work in comfort while enjoying a summer breeze, some bird chirping and when my work is done, I walk down the street to a local drugstore to get a Popsicle. Cherry.

We want you to do the same:

Live 4 Comfort
Book Buddy Summer Sale

Value Line $14.95

Premier Line is $24.94

Add a Lap Desk $4

Get yours today!

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